Cyber Threat Intelligence, Simplified

Empower your security team to stay ahead of cyber threats. Morado provides advanced threat intelligence services, delivering actionable insights and a powerful content management system to centralize and analyze your threat data.

why choose

Proactive Approach

Continuously monitor and proactively detect emerging threats before they escalate, ensuring your organization's continued resilience and security.

Specialized Expertise

Our seasoned analysts, armed with deep insights into the dynamic threat landscape, deliver unparalleled expertise in cyber threat intelligence.

Centralized Management

Manage your entire threat intelligence lifecycle with Threatnote, our dedicated content management system designed for seamless operations.

Actionable Insights

Morado filters out the noise, delivering precise, actionable intelligence that empowers decisive, timely actions to safeguard your organization.

Products and SERVICES

Dark Web
Brand Monitoring
and Takedowns
Intelligence Reporting
Content Management System
Continuous Intelligence
Detection & Response
Attack Surface
Third Party Risk /
Monitoring / Leak Detection

The Morado Difference

Unmatched Expertise

Dedicated Cyber Threat Intelligence experts ready to assist your team.

Actionable Intelligence

Empower your team with actionable insights for swift decision-making.

Innovative CMS

Experience the power of Threatnote, the first-of-its-kind CTI content management system.

Collaborative Optimization

A constant feedback loop drives CTI optimization.

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