Protect your perimeter

Attack Surface Intelligence

Our Attack Surface Intelligence solution delivers enhanced visibility into your organization’s digital footprint, significantly reducing your threat exposure. By continuously discovering, scoping, and classifying your exposed external assets, we provide actionable insights to prioritize remediation efforts. Our solution leverages automation to identify both known and unknown assets, refining our threat intelligence to highlight vulnerabilities most likely to be exploited.

how we do it

Surface Mapping

We begin by thoroughly mapping your entire digital footprint, including all assets, networks, and endpoints. This comprehensive mapping provides a clear view of your attack surface, helping to identify potential vulnerabilities.

Continuous Risk Assessment

We continuously monitor your attack surface for changes and emerging threats, assessing their potential impact on your organization. Our risk-based approach helps you prioritize remediation efforts and allocate resources effectively.

Ongoing Intelligence Guidance

Our security experts analyze identified vulnerabilities and threats to provide actionable recommendations. By correlating intelligence with your specific risk profile, we empower you to make informed decisions and strengthen your overall security posture.


Attack Surface Intelligence

Actionable Threat Intelligence

Leverage our threat intelligence to understand the risks associated with your exposed assets. We provide actionable insights and recommendations to help you prioritize remediation efforts and strengthen your overall security posture.

Continuous Surface Assessment

Proactively identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your attack surface through ongoing assessment. Our solution prioritizes risks based on severity, exploitability, and potential impact, enabling you to focus on the most critical threats.

Deep Asset Discovery

Uncover your digital footprint with our asset discovery capabilities. We identify and classify all internet-facing assets, including web applications, APIs, cloud resources, and IoT devices, providing a comprehensive view of your attack surface.

Protect Your Perimeter