Know your partners

Third-Party Intelligence

Our third-party intelligence service proactively identifies potential risks by continuously monitoring your vendors for data breaches, security incidents, and exposure of your sensitive information. This enables you to mitigate threats before they impact your organization.

how we do it

Identify Critical Third Parties

We systematically identify third parties that pose significant risk to your organization. This includes vendors, partners, and subcontractors with access to your systems, as well as those holding sensitive data on your behalf. By mapping your extended enterprise, we establish a foundation for effective risk management.

Continuous Risk Monitoring

Our advanced technology continuously scans the dark web and open sources for indicators of compromise related to your third parties. We track data breaches, cyber incidents, and the exposure of sensitive information, providing real-time visibility into potential risks.

Actionable Risk Mitigation

We deliver actionable insights and recommendations to help you manage third-party risk effectively. Our intelligence empowers you to make informed decisions, strengthen your supply chain, and protect your organization from potential disruptions.


Third-Party Intelligence

Early Warning of Risks

Identify potential threats before they materialize by monitoring for indicators of compromise, cyber incidents, and data breaches within your third-party ecosystem. Our system provides early warnings to protect your organization from cascading impacts.

Sensitive Data Exposure

Safeguard your confidential information by proactively identifying instances where your sensitive data has been exposed through third-party breaches or leaks. Our solution provides visibility into the potential misuse of your data.

Cyber Incident Detection

Stay ahead of emerging threats by monitoring for cyber incidents affecting your third parties. We detect a wide range of incidents, including ransomware attacks, data breaches, and supply chain disruptions, enabling timely response and mitigation.

Know your Partners